Elementary School
Lower Elementary (1st-3rd)/Upper Elementary (3rd-5th/6th)
SEA Academy prioritizes social and emotional development for all of our students. Using visuals, social narratives, and modeling, we maximize student participation, endurance, and self-awareness. Additionally, we provide direct instruction in flexibility, conflict resolution, relationship building, social communication, and life skills.
Academically, our elementary level students are introduced to important literacy skills, math fluency and concepts, and the fundamentals of science and social studies. While encouraging critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving, teachers ensure that grade-level milestones are embedded. We measure our success as a school when:
- Our students exude confidence while learning.
- Our students feel safe and nurtured.
- Our students are making friends and want to come to school.
Materials and resources we use include:
- Junior Great Books
- Fundations
- Explode the Code
- Number Worlds
- Singapore Math
- Spectrum Math
- BrainPop
- Prodigy
- Teaching Textbooks
Students have daily and weekly enrichment experiences which include art, nature walks, physical education, Nutrition Lab, Film Festival, social groups, Partners & Trios, Protect the Planet, and STEM Club.